Friday, October 14, 2011

Movin' On Up

M and N have had two very exciting days!  Yesterday, they both had their feeding tubes removed.  They are consistantly eating out of a bottle for every feeding... and they are hungry girls!  Also yesterday, they had their standard procedure preemie brain scans.  Everything looked terrific.  Then their heads were covered with that goo, so they had real baths in a really small little tub! 

Today the girls upgraded their living quarters from isolettes or incubators to open cribs!  This is fabulous... they are maintaining good body temperatures.  :)  This is one of the final milestones... it looks like these girls will be coming home sooner than anticipated which is great news for mommy and daddy.  We can't wait to finally be all together at home.



1 comment:

  1. Your house will be so full of love!! (and dirty diapers and bottles) :-)
