Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nordo and her Bookdo

Nora loves books. The girls have no less than one million toys, and she always goes straight for the books. Her favorites are "Happy Baby 123" and "Flip, Flap, Fly". The following pics are stills from a video I took of her reading "The Grouchy Ladybug". In the last pic, she finally realized I was filming her and she threw the book down a dove for my phone.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cape Girardeau

I had the pleasure of taking a day trip to good ole Cape Girardeau today! A coworker of mine and I called on some clients in Cape, and it was a successful trip! We stopped by the university, and two other clients, updating them on some new products. And joy of joys, I finally visited the brand new Isle of Capri Casino! A big, controversial addition to Cape, since I left there over 6 years ago. I think it's a wonderful thing! ...bringing over 700 jobs to the city. While inside, I took special notice of the finishes, since my company had a small part in the final installation. It is, without a doubt, the least casino-y casino I have ever seen. I wasn't even overstimulated .... For awhile I thought I was just in a nice new retirement facility or something. Until I stepped on the game floor. Then it was the familiar flashing lights and dinging slot machines. And the people you see at a casino at 2pm on a Thursday... Oh boy! Then I proceeded to lose $10 on the penny slots, while my coworker almost doubled her $10! Victory! I LOVE being in Cape. And I also really like casinos, however, I rarely go. So being in Cape's new casino was definitely the highlight of my busy week!! Do you recognize the other landmarks in the pics below?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nora Got Her Hair Did

We broke down and took Nora Girl for her very first hair cut! Her hair was very long in the front, and in her eyes a lot unless we swept it to the side or put it in a pony. I didn't really want her to have bangs, but it is really the only option unless we were willing to fight with those long bangs (no bangs). So here is the before, during, and after. See why she needed it?