Friday, October 7, 2011

34 Weeks

Today I turned 34 weeks pregnant. By my email inbox, you'd think that was the case at least. ....emails with subjects like See How Your Baby's Growing Now, Is Your Due Date Accurate?, and 34 Weeks: What's Your Delivery Stategy?.


My delivery strategy was "convince yourself this is happening, because it is." And I still can't believe it. I can't believe I'm not pregnant anymore. I can't believe the girls were born at 33 weeks and 3 days. I can't believe that their birthday is October 3. And I can't believe how amazingly well they are doing. They are at the head of the class in the NICU. Every day brings more freedom for them. Today it was the fact that Nora's IV came out. What a big girl! Yesterday it was the fact that Margaret got to take her IV out! And they both got to put on real clothes for the first time ever. :) And the list goes on and on. There is no doubt in my mind that God had these girls growing at turbo speed in utero because they were so anxious to come out and meet everyone. And they are doing remarkably well, considering their gestational age at birth. We are so proud of our brave little girls. :)

Our time with them is spent holding, feeding, kissing and photographing. We love every second and always look forward to the next feeding.

It's pretty typical for Nora to be wide awake when we're there. And Margaret is just a sleepy girl most of the time. It's hard to be a preemie and to grow so fast but they're doing wonderfully!

Showing off the precious hats that Amy K made!

They are always apart in their own isolettes, so sometimes I wonder if they know they have each other? Or if they miss each other? Now that the IVs are gone, there is much less restriction in how far they can go from their little boxes, so I couldn't wait to get them side by side for a little bit so they could snuggle.

Below is Nora before her IV came out. That's it in her left hand, under all that big bandaging.

Here are their nametags made by one of their nurses:

Here is Margaret eating like such a big girl.

And here she is again under the bilirubin lights. She was slightly jaundiced. She only had to spend one day in "Florida in a box". And Nora's levels were never high enough for her to require the lights.

Look at all these people who love the girls so much and couldn't wait to get their arms around them!!


  1. Love your girls and you guys for already being such brave and loving parents to them! Can't wait to see them at home where they can snuggle together.

  2. Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful with those baby girls. I am so happy to read these posts and that they are healthy and beautiful!
