Monday, July 25, 2011

July 2011

Our big Fourth of July plans consisted of a cookout at my dad's. Grammie pulled out the kiddie pool and our nieces, Bailey and Riley, had a blast splashing and romping around.

Here is sweet Riley. :)

Dad and Lucas in deep conversation - Lucas, you look a little bored, though???

I had to include this one of Riley falling out of the pool. LOL

Bailey working it for the camera. Poor girl is so shy....

The next weekend, on 7-9-11, Lucas was a groomsman in Frank and Amanda's wedding. Sorry for the pretty bad pics here... I was sitting kind of far back, and of course, no flash photography = mediocre pictures. But you can still see here how handsome Lucas was in his tux!

We had a great time last weekend with some of my best friends - Amy, Barb and Crystal!! Crystal was in town from Dallas, continuing our yearly tradition of making a point to see one another. (Minus the two years she was on her mish) :) We had brunch, saw Harry Potter, went to SLAM and just had a great time reminiscing! (22 week belly seen below)

And the 5 of us before the movie. Lucas loves my friends from high school, and they love him.. isn't that the way it should be??? :) :)

And last but not least, at our doctor appointment today, we were able to witness some more sisterly love, Baby B kicking Baby A in the head. How adorable. ;)


  1. OMG, I LOVED this blog post!! It was truly fab and reminded me how much I need to get on it and write mine--of all my recent happenings! Oh..what is SLAM?? I'm so confundida by this statement...maybe I'll just get you text I supposed to know what that is and am just spacing it???

  2. OH my keyword to unlock and post my comment was presh! It was great times

  3. OH and is Lucas wearing glasses??! Cuz...if he is..I almost didn't recog that a normal thing??

  4. SLAM is the St. Louis Art Museum. And yes, Lucas had some black plastic framed glasses for awhile but returned them because they hurt his eyes. :(
