Tuesday, November 1, 2011

4 Weeks Old

Margaret and Nora are growing so fast!  They are both over 6 lbs (Margaret's current weight isn't confirmed at over 6, just assumed... but they are filling out quickly - there's no way they haven't both broken the 6 lb mark).  All of their preemie clothes have been put away.  This is a happy thing and a sad thing all at the same time.  They are up to eating 75mL every three hours!  That's 2.5 ounces... and they were only eating 40mL when we left the hospital just over two weeks ago.  Big girls! 

We are getting a little more adventurous with getting out of the house.  We've been on a couple walks on nice days.  They met some of the neighbors.  They went to Sunday School (ours) for the first time.   And they made their first trip to Freeburg AND Valentine's.  They've had lunch with Grammy and Grandpa a few times.  And been to friends, Matt and Amelia's, for dinner.  These girls are busy and in high demand :)

We've also continued to have a lot of visitors. Great Grandma Dorothy and Great Aunt Kathy came by on Saturday.

Their cousins, Jason and Mary, came over on Saturday as well.  Jason thought they were really cute and said they looked like dolls.  He was a pro at holding them.

Peepaw and Grandma came over on Sunday.  Grandma, as seen above, is in hog heaven.  The only way she could have been happier in this photo would have been if she were holding both babies, but hey, Peepaw wants to hold them, too!

The girls turned 4 weeks old on Monday, October 31, their first Halloween.  We had a small Halloween photo shoot.  Amy made the precious pumpkin hats, and their "My First Halloween" sleepers came from Great Aunt Bev.  :)  We didn't trick or treat, of course, but we went to see a few neighbors, just so they could get a peek at the girls.  

And today we went to our New Moms class at the hospital.  It's a place for new moms to network and ask questions and get out of the house (my number one priority).  I love it here - I left on a confidence high.  :)  First of all, I was late, but at least I wasn't the last one in the door - and those ladies only had one baby.  People are really impressed that you can do things with two babies - like drive to the hospital, valet park your car, load two infants into their stroller, and take them up the elevator to the 3rd floor for their class.  This is surprisingly not as difficult as you would expect.  Probably no harder than with one baby?  The most challenging part of my morning was un-folding that darn stroller... (and the valet attendants don't help you with that.) ....This stroller requires man-handling.  Is this okay 4 weeks post-c-section?  Well, it's got to be.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the pictures! You guys have been getting out and about and that is amazing. So glad you went to the MoBap class - I'll bet you looked like a total superstar! I feel like a total doof because I didn't wish M&N happy 1 month when I saw them Monday...give them my most sincere apologies :-)
