Thursday, November 17, 2011


You've heard the dreamy cliche - it feels like only yesterday.  To me, this day does not seem like it was only yesterday. It seems like it was an eternity ago. Who were those kids? They look so young! Are they even old enough to get married? Didn't their parents tell them they were too young? Or hint at it at least?  Actually, it's hard to remember what it was like to not be married yet.  I know that all I wanted was to be with Lucas every day.  To start our life together.  To finally be an adult and "settled".  Sounds funny considering I was all of 22.   

Five years ago everything was new and exciting!  We were in our new house!  We were finally living together!  We had, it seems, all the time in the world for each other!  We spent our weekends looking for just the right furnishings for our house... scoping out Indian restuarants... creating inside jokes... entertaining friends for dinner... contemplating a new buddy for Chip... organizing and reorganizing our wedding gifts... church shopping... wine tasting... adjusting to our new life together! 

In the past five years, we have been blessed in countless ways and stayed strong together through the rough times. Since our wedding day, there has been one masters degree earned, one advanced professional certification achieved, two pet additions, one pet loss, seven job changes, two serious car accidents, four family weddings, the loss of one grandparent, and one nephew and three nieces born.

Today, five years later, we are moving on to an entirely new life together.  One that includes Margaret and Nora.  Our sweet daughters.  There might be less time for shopping for the house, going to wineries, eating out by ourselves, entertaining friends at the drop of a hat.  But all those things make way for new adventures and milestones... first smiles... first steps... birthdays... kissing boo boos... hugs from sleepy toddlers... eye rolls from sassy girls... seeing their faces light up Christmas morning... watching them be sisters to each other... and so much more.

Happy anniversary, HB.  I love you.  :)


  1. I feel like this post should have been in a newspaper since it was written so well..way to go James! I may have gotten a little teary eyed...ok, not really, but I did enjoy the post and soo happy you guys have made 5 strong years of marriage--my role models!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This is the sappiest and most sentimental post I've ever seen on this blog. Needless to say...I love it! Love you guys, your strong marriage, and your sweet girls!
