Monday, May 2, 2011

+ 2 Makes 4

This fall, we will be welcoming Twinfants into our family. :) Since the day 6 weeks ago that we saw those two sacks on the ultrasound monitor, we've been hit by a wave of emotions including but not limited to: shock, excitement, disbelief, fear, awe, love, panic, joy, disbelief, gratefulness, doubt, pride, and disbelief.

Most of these are experienced in any one day. It's overwhelming, really. But I won't blog about much of that. Or about how big I'm getting. No one wants to see that. I'm going to try to blog as much as possible about the really awesome things that come with the fact that our kids are twins. More to come on that later.

Common reactions to this sort of news are as follows: hands thrown in the air in disbelief, hands thrown over mouth in disbelief, "no way!", "Oh my gosh!", and of course, "Congratulations!" All of these are exciting and appropriate. Actually, spreading this news has been a joy - everybody loves babies. Babies bring people together. And twins are (obviously) TWO babies... what else could be more fun?? Triplets? ;) In this first post about our new news, I'll start with some of my FAVORITE reactions that I hope to always remember, as we have been sharing our news:

"That's a lot of Bang for your Pregnancy Buck!" -Sister, Sarah

"Now you'll have your own curling team!" -Several members of the curling club

"Our kids will be born with an automatic Best Friend" -Lucas

"Tell Lucas that Twice the Babies means Twice the crushed up Cheerios in his car!" -Friend, Erin

As we begin planning for the babies' arrival, getting caught up in which diapers to choose, where to register, and most recently, how many gliders can we possibly look at?, we are left filled with gratitude, as we know what a special gift this is, and how greatly blessed we are.


  1. YAY!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the baby blog posts so far ;) You guys will be the best twin rents evaaa

  2. Such a cute post. How you do decide which one is "onesie" and which one is twosie" ? That is sort-of an important question.

    So excited for the Shook Twinfants!
