Monday, June 29, 2009

Sewing 101

Do you ever the urge to learn something new? Well, I did, which is why I have decided to start sewing. My main focus is going to be purses, totes, etc. Why? Because it's fun.. they'll make great gifts, they're cute and I want to.

Step #1: Meet with the professionals. CHECK (Thank you, to a certain Southern Belle who lives in the little castle.)

Step #2: Go to Hobby Lobby and come up with the cutest possible patterns and fabric selections! CHECK (not too difficult a task for two interior designers)

Step #3: Learn to sew. Yikes! I need to learn to cut straight!

Okay, here are the untrained, unplanned, (very) rough first attempts:

Neither of these are finished. And there's a good chance they never will be.

On to Step #4: Finish the Teddy Bear you started 4 months ago. Yes, this is for our one year old niece, Riley, and no, it is not quite finished (See completely spread legs... this is not how they are supposed to be, but don't worry, Riley, I will fix them.)

All of the materials on the Bear, besides the Knoll Felt nose, are from Riley's Crib Bumper Pad.

Step #5: Begin first "real" attempt at a purse, only under the supervision of the Instructor. Et Voila, you have a back panel of the purse. Cute, right? And we have Amy Pursemaker, I mean Shoemaker, to thank for those perfect pleats!

Step #6+: Don't stop there! Keep crankin' em out! Stay tuned for another creation in these colorful colorways!

1 comment:

  1. The purses look fabulous! I especially love the pleats and the waiting striped fabric. I would definitely be a customer!

    The bear is very cute. I was worried about his/her (?) legs at first, but now I know that's not how they're meant to be. So cute to use the bumper pads, also!
