Monday, September 21, 2009

To Our Loyal Readers:

Memo that you already know:

I Suck At Blogging!

But I'm trying to improve...

Life has been super busy lately.

Here are a few of the things that have been keeping me from

#1 Writing a thirty page thesis about artifacts to FINALLY complete my MBA

#2 Training for and running the Lewis & Clark Half Marathon

#3 Taking a fun weekend to Chicago with the family for Labor Day Weekend

#4 Going to Eagle Hurst Ranch with the extended family at the end of August

#5 Work, per the usual

#6 Totaling my car and shopping for, and buying, the exact same one in a different color

The blogging situation should be getting better, as most of these excuses have run out.
I even have a few things in mind that I want to write about!

One is a delightful sandwich component that Jamie and I refer to as SAMMIES that have lots of uses.

Stay tuned, and thanks for being patient!